someone nicely told me that my Doc marc sell by another onlineshop, well, I tell u that. But... its okay anyway, as long as 'them' ordered from me no problem, well, honestly in cyber world there's no limitation for 'tracking' or searching for something whatevs its pic, idea, artwork, photo, images etc. Then, one of cyber users category,which is enough scary and intimidating especially for all kind of designers works, such as grafic designer, architect, photographer, illustration, product, fashion, jewellery etc. Is plagiarism a.k.a copy-cat'ers'. Why?, plagiarism for me as designer, is another version of exclusive crime. WHY?.
take example, when you are in Chanel, Louis Vuitton boutique in Paris or NY, you cannot buy 2 bags, only 1 bags! (and who does even want buy 2?) for them logic reason, because they are afraid someone would makes the replica, the look a like . Meanwhile, in another place the designers still busy yelling "who copy-cat this LV or Chanel bags" we would send you into the jail... this plagiarism still busy work for copy cat LV or Chanel bags (for sure) and sell them int0 more crazy and cheap price. For anyone who like shop 'these bags' at bargain store, wellknown as KW label. KW is 1-3 quality of level from the real brand. I have experience as buyer-seller, I know kw 1 is have good quality of leather, mostly 'these' seller always said is come from Korea. Well. then kw 2 from Hongkong, kw 3 from lokal or China (sorry if im forget). I was just think, why I should buy the fake one if the price is still 1 million?. Its foolish! and what for the label of KW-KW?. Whatevs is come from Korea, Hongkong, then why? are 'these' seller can make the big different beetwen the fake stuff just because they come from different country?.
Thats long story for LV or Chanel bags cruise into cheap material or commodity. The real Chanel or LV bags made with full of brilian idea, crazy cofee habits, life-death carrier, pain, sacrifice, love, joy etc. Thats why when we touch the branded stuff its like a heavenly. Sometimes i think, what the.... crazy material, craftmanship and goodess quality that they have. Its so priceless! and well thats why the price is become killing your wallet or credit card. Sometimes I think why Louis Vuitton sell they tribal sandals for 37 juta!!!... or 37.000 USD?. Oh men... thats only sandals, the stuff that we usually hitting ground, walking like a ..... well fashion designers jobs are try to represent, appreciate the brand. Oke, enough about the brand. so how about grafic designer?. Attention, any time you make artworks always put yor name on it!, it can be anywhere, even you can bold your name. This is really susceptible!, WHY?. Especially when you put your artwork in cyber world. WOHOHOHO......!!!be carefull my dear, hundred or million poeple are freedom to see then only one click "COPY" then "PASTE"... then the plagiarism begin...
Dilema? thats rite, thats why designers need a brand, label for evidence that they are made this-that stuff. No matter what you trying to sell it again, poeple can see your brand then, click for searching rite?. And CandyFeet doing this bussines for serious. Not only sell and being one hit wonder, absolutely NOT! . But behind all of CandyFeet, is not easy for 1 year hardwork to get achievement and still need more..... Need for understanding, sacrifice, trusting especially parents. Well, rite know is still not easy to get more achievement, my head have a lot of thingking about anykind of possibility to be 'tricky' by person in a certain capaticy , I mean helooo..... this is cyber world, you have extra carefully of that. But, searcing for idea definitely oke, no problem. You need inspiration, then its okay if you not 100% copy from ur what inspire u, hey everybody need a break and searching for inspiration!. But, surely, Im not blame anyone, but if i see someone did it to me! dont blame me if I bold ur nameand link in here, in my blog and theres no doubt about it. Adios!...