Selasa, 30 November 2010

Inspired by manga / anime PART II

Hey, are you guys watch anime lately?, there is a lot of anime, anykind of story, from the weirdo until the most weirdo-do-do, you know, anime rate not for children but i guess start to teen-adult, or whatever, but lately, CF found the new perspective of manga and anime. During my off day works, I am start to browse some manga pic. Until I found this one. Katekyo Hitman Reborn, you can browse for the story detail. Somehow CF amazed with all fashionable boys at there, (my friend call, this is MALE version of SailorMoon), yeah, a lot of cute boys dressed up like mafia *remind me of INTERPOL guys*. All the long legs, tie, preepy style, blazer and their superpower weapon or whatever, but one thing getting my attention more is, their fashionable style and all the handsome guys in cartoon version, cek this one out...
ps : I love the cute lambo and reborn, the itty bitty chara with big hat *kiss*

one of my fave, Yamamoto Takeshi *kiss*

The boys style remind me of the guys on Interpol, all the mafia style, suit and hot ^^

Interpol is one of my fave band, Paul Banks have amazing voice behind his cutie pie face and their music are great! I LOVE IT :)

pic :,, google for everything search :)

This is business life?

I,m back!, hewww, sorry for the lack updates on blog and but rite now we're still having available stock such as ; CAGE HEELS, CAGE BOOTS, DOC MARC and the bags, I already posted about that before.

ANW, very many various new brand born right now, from anonymous until famous poeple using they fame, trying their luck charm in this track (business). Million times (couple times, hehe) I read and watching the story about enterpreneurship (sorry for the wrong spelled), from nothing becoming something and 'someone', I admit, adoring the story like this, inspired me a lot because there is always good and wisely process in our life, i am rite?, honestly, business likes life between ironic. Everytime I open and search news on website, google, blog or whatever blog, there is always born 1 new brand every month or maybe everyday in Jakarta. Mostly is Fashion stuff. Necklace, shoes, bags, boots, clothes or blah blah... everysingle things in the name of fashion, OMG!. But the brightside is, I am really proud, personally, with this movement, cause everybody start to buy local product, rite?, which is great!. Jakarta or Indonesia having million, maybe, creative poeple, maybe the largest amount in whole world!, Im prous as Indonesian. Every month is always create new brand, product or blah blah, but as seller, this thingy is killing me softly?, HAHA, no, this is new challenge for CF to always and learn how to serve best for my lovely costumers.

I remember advice from my mom is, there is always good process for create better life and basically for build better mentally, personally, behaviour for the future. Need a real proof?, we can see what happen with The Beatles, they're not only famous but a legend. Im sure and believe, there is looooong road and story how The Beatles to get there, i believe too, that The Beatles not only walk with swagger behind their successful story but with defensively, with being a legend, poeple will always recognize who you are, entire life, I am rite?...

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Menjual koleksi set sprei dengan berbagai motif anak, dewasa dan bedcover. Terima pemesanan sarung bantal, bed cover saja. Also, quilt cover.

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