Jumat, 12 Februari 2010

Ads ur olshop in CandyFeet blog :)

CandyFeet membuka peluang bagi kamu yang memiliki olshop dan ingin beriklan di blog CF(kecuali produk tas dan sepatu).

Caranya :

- kirimkan email alamat web olshop serta deskripsikan mengenai produk yang kamu jual serta detail apa kelebihan produkmu dari produk lain sehingga ini bisa menjadi 'value' dari produk kamu.
-Setelah menerima konfirmasi dari CF, lalu kita akan menegosiasikan lebih lanjut mengenai harga etcnya.
- CF akan mengiklankan olshopmu dengan 2 cara efektif ; LINK dan Review produk.
Link, olshop kamu akan di tempatkan di tempat strategis untuk mudah diakses viewers.
Review produk, CF akan me-review produk apa yang kamu jual dan detail-detail yang sudah kamu infokan kepada CF, nga cuma itu, setiap kamu punya produk baru akan kita tampilkan.
Sow, bagi kamu yang berminat silahkan hubungi email CF ya, kita diskusi lebih lanjut yuuuuuk, tunggu apa lagiyyyyy! :)

Kamis, 11 Februari 2010

CF membuka peluang reseller

Buat kamu yang tertarik bekerjasama untuk reseller produk CandyFeet atas nama merek candyfeet atau jika memiliki merek sendiri, CF membuka peluang untuk reseller/pengecer. Info lebih lanjut bisa ditanyakan langsung ke email CF ya. Oya, untuk harga, jangan khawatir kita akan memberikan potongan tentunya.
salah satu contoh sepatu hasil bikinan CF ;

oiya, kamu juga bisa minta rekomendasi ke orang-orang yang sudah pernah memesan sepatu dari CandyFeet, supaya lebih fair dan tidak ada yang ditutupi. Linknya ada di : they love candyfeetish, Silahkan buat yang berminat bisa kontak aku, Amel, oke darliiiiiing :)

CF inspiration (Part II) : Dorama

One of CF fave thingy, watch dorama. And I watch ' Briliant Legacy' now. Love every scene, full of inspiration. Fashion, boys, girls, their languange, behaviour, they lovely spirits, etc. I'm so inspired more with main cast. Even she have seriously problem in her life, she still smile, never give up to fight with her problem, cheer up!.. Thats why I love watch Korean-Japanese dorama. Some of them have good story , moral messages and wisdom. Loveeeee u guys and keep watching! :)

CF inspiration (part I) : Korean fashion

Wohoooow, look at beautiful knee boots and soft pastel color clothes!.. Loveeee it, include the cute girl :)

Rabu, 10 Februari 2010



CAGE HEEL series
warna : abu-coklat-hitam
sz : 37-39
STOK masih ada!
HARGA SPESIAL : dari 250Rb ---> 225Rb! + ongkir JAKARTA-BANDUNG

sz : 39
STOK tersedia : 2 pasang

sz : 37
STOK tersedia : 2 pasang

SZ : 38
PS :
- Jangan khawatir keabisan, kita bisa bikin made by order kok. Lama pengerjaan kira2 4 minggu.
- Harga CAGE BOOTS : 250Rb (sudah ongkir Jakarta-Bandung),, hihi.. :)

Senin, 08 Februari 2010

from the deepest of my heart

I want this book personaly. I want to know more about carrers in fashion. From the deepest in my heart I really want have careers in fashion. I ever been internship as fashion stylist, at that time Irealized that I have passion on fashion. But then, after graduated from Univ I was apply in many fashion magazine, media as wardrobe, visual merchandiser or even fashion journalist. But no one even call me back for interview. But then I realized, having passion on fashion not always ended up in career. Maybe I have try to another luck. Bussines. yeah, I have dream job but maybe I was dream too much to only become a fashion stylist?. Seems like its hurts for me, I really want that job and I have qualified (almost) portofolio of it. Yeah, maybe this dream job not really welcome to me. I love fashion but I have to thinking another change to expression my passion. Having and maintain fashion onlineshop is become my 'toy', maybe I can reach money from here not only that, I have several new friends in here (hehe), experience etc. I really learn almost a lot things from this bussines. I will keep maintaining this until finally I've got my dream job but, still continue my olshop. Im not only want dream job but I want finding my passion. Fashion is my passion, bussines is one of creative way from fashion, in my personaly opinion. Well, I hope someday, amiin.... :)

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Foto saya
Menjual koleksi set sprei dengan berbagai motif anak, dewasa dan bedcover. Terima pemesanan sarung bantal, bed cover saja. Also, quilt cover.

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