Jumat, 31 Juli 2009

FTT ( Foreign Telegrafic Transfer)

My First FTT come from Sarah ( thanks dear! ), I told you, FTT more easier than Pay Paly, I learn a lesson from her. If Pay Pal, you must have credit card to register to have Pay Pal account, then you will receive 1 dollar bill for admission charge? for every transaction, mannn.... 1 dollar to rupiah? better I eat meat ball or hamburger.

Me as seller, FTT really helpfull for foreign payment transaction. Dont need to be confuse about calculation from foreign exchange rate convert to rupiah, just send and let them do the job,rite? hehehe......
ANW, thanks dear for sucssesfully foreign payment (which is, my first experience) hehehe.... muachhh.........

1 komentar:

Unknown mengatakan...

Wah,mau tau lebih lanjut dong Mba cara kerja FTT ini. Harus bikin account kayak paypall ya?Trus kalo gak pake credit card sistemnya transfer aja gitu?
*Maaf kalo bawel, pengen tau banget cara kerjanya,hehehe ^_^
Thanks before

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