Senin, 01 Agustus 2011

Welcome back to life...

iyaaaaaaa, long time no post, hectic month, mind, new job (hopely the last), so exited, worried at the same time. Need time to explore the new 'battle field' , I found a lot of interesting things, the poeple, the students, ( and i found the same common fave things with some of my girls students, tadaaa...... its a KPOP! ;D). Business, hmmm..... not good but i tryin to find another field, its going hard to thingking about this. Some of 'hype' blogger erase my link, I know I might do mistakes and silly mistakes, but I have to learn from mistakes. Mistakes maybe can make me to be a better person. But, with all of quick rhytm to adaptation with the new job, I found one interesting, something that I always dreaming about. The questions of my mind, something that I've been searching for a life... its always blur in my dream, I never able to see who is the person, clearly,,, gees, I feel like a stupid sayin this words, its someone in my head, now, I do care about my future, did he is my future? Only GOD know. Iam not good to describe in words, but here there are, a picture can describe my heart, enjoy and welcome back to life...... :)

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Menjual koleksi set sprei dengan berbagai motif anak, dewasa dan bedcover. Terima pemesanan sarung bantal, bed cover saja. Also, quilt cover.

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