Sabtu, 10 September 2011

Open Identity

Long time no see and give attention to my blog since I left my heart on somewhere place, hehe....  anw blogspot have sucha nice new content in taskbar menu, well, more clean and nice, for sure, :)
well, since teaching on art subject at hi-school, I always have new inspiration for something new out there, something that I never search and found before, like, the art subject for teaching on the class. For resources is always easy to find out from foreign. Then, I always forget about to search local resource. Why?, I have no idea or blank about it, well, I know I might have a lot and a lot searching again for that. But, I found interesting design blog / web for my subject at school. His clean and artsy design give me more than inspiration but also proud that Indonesian have amazing designer just like him, one title that we, ehm, suddenly become 'twins in mind' was the 'Paper Cut' project. Accidentally, I had give the 'Paper Installation' in my class before, had similar concept with the Paper Cut. Well, I think he will be my 'brother' google for the next art resource and project :) check out his nice portfolio @

Talking another stuff, I think nuff hiding identity, i never dare put my picture on this blog but now I think I need to share with anyone who behind this blog, so reader please dont boring read my blog, I hope everything what I write always inspire everyone out there, so enjoy the pic of, errrrrrrr, myself, a girl behind CandyFeetish.... :)

up :  the girl behind CandyFeetish
below : Paper Cut design from Aditya Wijanarko

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Menjual koleksi set sprei dengan berbagai motif anak, dewasa dan bedcover. Terima pemesanan sarung bantal, bed cover saja. Also, quilt cover.

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