Rabu, 29 Mei 2013

CosmoGirl Festival

I'ts been long time I didn't come for fashion event or something, when I read this ads at 'ingenue' famous fashion blogger. Since the last Brightspot market that I attended as VIP Guest, since that day I never come again at the similar event... Now, I would like to come and enjoy the vibe. Im lookin for fashion hype ambience just like BrightSpot market ambience. I like the music, the artistic person, the artsy display, for sure, because Im art teacher, so I need diggin some cool inspiration for display my students artwork. Well, I hope this event doesnt set me up but something inspire me a lot, lets we hope.. :)

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Menjual koleksi set sprei dengan berbagai motif anak, dewasa dan bedcover. Terima pemesanan sarung bantal, bed cover saja. Also, quilt cover.

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